Olympic Well Field Restoration and Arcadia Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project

The Olympic Well Field Restoration and Arcadia Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project (Project) is intended to enhance sustainability of the City of Santa Monica’s (City’s) local water supply through developing alternative water supplies and expanding local groundwater supplies. The proposed Project would further reduce the City’s reliance upon purchased imported water from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD). The Project would accomplish this goal through the restoration of the Olympic Well Field’s pumping capacity, expansion of local groundwater production and concurrent reduction of imported water supply, conveyance of the extracted groundwater to a new Olympic Advanced Water Treatment Facility (co-located at the Arcadia Water Treatment Plant [WTP]) via a new dedicated pipeline, and upgrades to the Arcadia WTP with an innovative Reverse Osmosis (RO) concentrate treatment technology to enhance production efficiency. Upon Project completion, the overall raw water treatment capacity of the Arcadia WTP would be expanded from approximately 10 million gallons per day (mgd) to approximately 13 mgd.

Although not required by CEQA, the City is circulating an addendum to the Olympic Well Field Restoration and Arcadia Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project Mitigated Negative Declaration for a 14-day public review period for all interested persons to submit comments on the adequacy of the addendum. The comment period starts on May 17, 2022, and ends at 5:30 p.m. on May 31, 2022. The addendum will also be on the June 14, 2022 City Council agenda for adoption. For comments, questions, and inquiries, please e-mail: water.resources@santamonica.gov

Project Components

Olympic Well Field Restoration Components

Arcadia Water Treatment Plant Expansion Components

In the News

Santa Monica’s Journey to Water Self-Sufficiency

Southern California City Seeks to End Reliance on Imported Water

As Climate Crisis Worsens Drought, Local Water Supplies Are Needed. Southern California Cities Can Lead The Way

Reversing RO Flow in California

Environmental Documents

Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration 

First Addendum to the Mitigated Negative Declaration 

Second Addendum to the Mitigated Negative Declaration