Santa Monica Implements Traffic Improvements in the Sunset Park Neighborhood

October 8, 2019 1:30 PM
by Andrew Maximous

Over the past several years, the Sunset Park neighborhood has seen a rise in traffic along its residential streets, in particular on and around the 23rd Street corridor during the evening commute. About 60 percent of these trips are pass-through trips aided by expanded use of mobile phone mapping applications. In 2018, residents and the Friends of Sunset Park neighborhood organization collaborated with the City’s Traffic Management Division to secure funding for a comprehensive neighborhood traffic study. 

After several neighborhood meetings and a detailed crash and data analysis, the proposed improvements were divided into two phases. Phase 1 consists of low-cost, easy-to-install measures intended to improve safety and the quality of life for residents of the neighborhood. Beginning Tuesday, October 8, 2019, City contractors will begin installing the Phase I improvements at the following locations, with work completed by October 18, 2019. Traffic Management and Police Department staff will be monitoring and evaluating the changes over the next several months.

Phase 1 Improvements

The longer-term, Phase 2 measures will require broader community consensus and possible review by the Planning Commission and the City Council. Phase 2 items are consistent with the City’s Land Use and Circulation Element plans and goals and will be coordinated with the Airport Master Plan.  We anticipate starting the Phase 2 effort in Spring 2020.

Please send us your feedback by emailing the Traffic Management Division at

Authored By

Andrew Maximous
Principal Traffic Engineer