The Blue Notebook - A Weekly SMPD Recap November 23-November 29, 2024
December 3, 2024 8:57 AM
by Erika Aklufi
Served by the Badge at PAL’s Thanksgiving Dinner: It has become a tradition! SMPD Command Staff donned aprons and had the privilege of serving a delicious meal to our community at the Police Activities League. This event offers the opportunity to build connections, show support, and spread kindness. Seeing the smiles on the faces of families as we shared this special moment together make it one of the highlights of the year.
Christmas Tree Lighting: SMPD personnel spent a few moments “Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree” at the official city Christmas tree lighting! The chance to recharge surrounded by the warmth and sparkle of community spirit was just what we all needed!
Officers Visit Kinder and 1st Grade Students: Sycamore Community School invited Officers Hollowell and Wang for a visit. The children enjoyed story time and explored a police SUV.
SMPD’s Annual Holiday Deployment starts this week and runs through January 1st. The daily overtime shifts for sworn officers and professional staff consist of foot and bicycle patrols of the Promenade, 2nd Street, Ocean Avenue, Santa Monica Place, Montana Avenue, and multiple parking structures. By putting extra officers on the street increases our visibility and ability to engage with the public and business owners/employees.
Police Department-wide Statistics
- Total Calls for Service (CFS): 2,212. YTD (through 11/23): 116,914
- Source of calls:
- Citizen Initiated: 1,333 calls for service. 70,430 YTD (60% of total CFS).
- Officer Initiated: 879 calls for service. 46,484 YTD (40% of total CFS).
- Disposition for CFS: Homeless related = 18% YTD.
- Encampment Calls: 24. 1,522YTD.
- 5150 Calls: 10. 622 YTD.
- Arrests: 50 total arrests. 2,533 YTD.
Patrol Operations Division
Notable Incidents:
- Criminal Threats / Weapons Violation / Brandishing – 2000 Block of 6th Street. Multiple callers reported a possible residential burglary in progress. As officers were responding, two area residents saw two suspects leaving the area. One of the suspects confronted the two victims, brandished a barbed wire covered bat, and threatened to beat them. The victims retreated and the suspects fled the area. Officers subsequently located and contacted the suspects at 4th and Pico. One of the suspects complied with officer commands while the second suspect fled the scene with officers in foot pursuit. He later surrendered to officers at Main and Pico.
- Strongarm Robbery - 1500 Block of Ocean Avenue. Officers responded to a radio call of a strongarm robbery. The suspect was last seen walking eastbound on Broadway. Sky1, the department drone, located the suspect 2nd/Colorado, in possession of the stolen property, and attempting to hide. Sky1 directed the officers to the suspect’s location where he is eventually taken into custody.
- Traffic Stop / Firearm Recovery - 1700 Block of Appian Way. Officers observe a vehicle commit multiple Vehicle Code violations. They contact the driver and have him exit the vehicle. The officers notice a bulge in the suspect’s pant leg and the suspect admits to being in possession of a firearm. The firearm found to be stolen out of San Bernardino.
- Domestic Battery – 2000 Block of Olympic Boulevard. Officers responded to a radio call of a “Domestic Violence just Occurred”. A female caller who sounded intoxicated told dispatchers her boyfriend hit her. Officers arrived and spoke with both parties. The officers determine it was the female caller who was the primary aggressor, and she was placed under arrest for felony domestic battery.
- Domestic Battery / Parole Violation - 420 Broadway (Target). Officers responded to a call of a suspect grabbing a victim and pushing her into a display inside the location. There were no visible injuries. Officers discovered the subject is on probation and obtained a hold.
- Grand Theft Auto – 2600 Block of 33rd Street. The victim parked his vehicle on the street while doing some construction work at a residence on the block. When he completed the job, he discovered his work van was gone along with his tools. Surveillance footage from a neighbor show a grey Honda Civic was involved in the theft. The investigation continues.
- Strongarm Robbery – 1100 Block of Franklin Street. An elderly victim driving north on Franklin was rear ended by two individuals in a small, white vehicle, likely a Prius. When the victim exits his vehicle, the suspects approach the victim and one of them pushes him in the chest, knocking the victim to the ground. The suspects then steal cash and other property from the victim and flee northbound on Franklin and out of sight.
- Burglary – 1500 Block of Palisades Beach Road. Multiple officers responded to a call of three subjects who burglarized the Cirque Du Soleil tent and were last seen running toward the pier. While officers were obtaining information for a crime broadcast, two officers conducted a stop of a suspicious vehicle driving away from the area. The occupants of the vehicle were identified by eyewitnesses as the perpetrators of the break-in, and they were all arrested for burglary.
- Overdose / Narcan Deployment - 700 Block of Olympic Blvd (W/B). Officers responding to a radio call of a subject down, located the individual and realized he was overdosing. The victim was blue, not breathing, and not responsive. Officers deployed Narcan and the subject started breathing. Paramedics transported the individual to a local hospital for treatment.
- Attempted Robbery / Carjacking – 1700 Block of Lincoln Boulevard. The victim was pumping gas when he was approached by a subject who grabbed the victim by his jacket and demanded his property. The victim falls when the suspect forcibly removed the victim’s jacket containing his car keys. The suspect is unsuccessful in starting the car. When the victim tried pulling the suspect out of the car, the suspect punched the victim several times. The victim eventually removed the suspect from the car and the suspect fled on foot. Officers located the suspect in the 1800 Block of Alley 8 and placed him under arrest.
- Assault With a Deadly Weapon - 1500 Block of Wilshire Blvd. Officers responded to an Unknown Trouble call of multiple subjects fighting and someone being hit with a glass. Responding officers found a victim who sustained a laceration after having been hit over the head with a bottle. The injury was not life-threatening. A suspect was detained and positively identified as the attacker. The weapon was recovered. Separately, two individuals attempting to leave the location were arrested for DUI.
- Traffic Collision with Injuries – Main Street and Hollister Avenue. Officers responded to a collision between a vehicle and a pedestrian in front of Urth Caffe. A woman in her 20s suffered moderate injuries to her lower body. She was transported to a local hospital for treatment. The driver remained at the scene and cooperated with the investigation.
- Unlawful Intrusion / Recording – 2400 Block of Santa Monica Boulevard. An employee at a business located a hidden camera in the restroom. A suspect was identified as a coworker, and he was subsequently arrested.
- Receiving Stolen Property – 2500 Block of Michigan Ave (Bergamot Station). A victim tracked his laptop taken in a commercial burglary the night before. The suspect was contacted, and the laptop located inside his backpack. The suspect was booked for possessing stolen property and a No Bail warrant for robbery.
- Strong Arm Robbery / Elder Abuse / Parole Violation – Lincoln Boulevard and Santa Monica Boulevard. The elderly victim was sitting on the bus bench when the suspect attempted to steal her purse and cell phone. He was unable to get the purse before bystanders stepped in. A responding officer located the suspect as he attempted to flee with the victim’s cell phone. The suspect was caught nearby, and the phone recovered. The victim refused medical attention. A parole hold was obtained.
- Structure Fire / Arson - 1300 Block of 26th Street. Officers responded to assist SMFD securing the area around a vacant building with the bottom floor fully engulfed in flames. Witnesses reported seeing a homeless male in the area, but he was gone upon arrival of officers. The adjacent apartment building had to be temporarily evacuated. SMFD arson investigators responded and SMPD’s Criminal Investigations Division was notified.
- Felony Battery - 4th Street and Santa Monica Boulevard. The victim was standing at the bus stop when the suspect stepped on the victim’s shoe. A verbal altercation ensued and turned into a fight. Three additional suspects jumped in and they all physically assaulted the victim. The initial suspect chased the victim and hit him with a belt. SMFD responded and transported the victim to a local hospital for treatment of minor injuries.
- Child Cruelty – 4th Street and Santa Monica Boulevard. An adult suspect becomes involved in an altercation with multiple juveniles that turns physical. The suspect struck two victims with a tennis racket causing minor injury. The suspect attempted to strike the third victim with the tennis racket but missed. Responding officers took the suspect into custody.
Crime Impact Team (CIT)
- Traffic Stops – 12
- Ped Stops – 11
- Bike Stops – 3
- Felony Stops – 3
- Misdemeanor Arrest – 1
- Citations – 3
- Field Interviews – 4
- Radio Calls - 6
CIT assisted DART with a crime suppression operation targeting the beach, Ocean Front Walk, and Pier.
Special Deployments:
CIT conducted a Crime Suppression operation in Beat 3 and the following was the activity:
- Felony Arrests - 1
- Traffic stops – 3
- Pedestrian Stops – 2
- Gang Graffiti Report – 1
Incident of note:
Officers conducted a traffic stop at 20th Street and Pico Boulevard for suspicion of Driving Under the Influence. The driver was detained and found to be under the influence. The driver was also in possession of brass knuckles.
CIT conducted a Crime Suppression operation in the Pico Neighborhood and the following was the activity:
- Traffic Stops – 5
- Pedestrian Stops – 3
- Gang Contacts – 1
- Field Interviews – 3
- Citations - 3
Incident of note:
Officers conducted a traffic stop at Cloverfield Boulevard and Delaware Avenue for an equipment violation. The driver was on probation for a weapons violation and is a known gang member. A probation search of his person and the vehicle was conducted and a Field Interview was completed.
CIT and SPU conducted a Crime Suppression operation in the Wilshire corridor area and the following was the activity:
- Felony Arrests – 2
- Misdemeanor Arrests – 1
- Field Interviews - 1
- Traffic Stops – 5
- Pedestrian Stops - 4
Incidents of note:
Officers monitored a notification by the Automated License Plate Reader of a stolen vehicle in the area of 20th and Wilshire Blvd. They canvassed the area and located the vehicle in the 1100 block of 25th Street. The vehicle was occupied by two subjects; both parties were detained. The first occupant was the named suspect for the stolen vehicle and was a felon in possession of ammunition. The second occupant had several warrants and was in possession of a meth pipe. Both subjects were taken into custody without incident and the vehicle was recovered.
Officers conducted a pedestrian stop in the 1500 Block of the Beach Bike Path for a municipal code violation. The subject was in possession of meth. His parole agent was contacted, and the hold was granted.
Directed Action Response Team (DART)
Police Department
- Arrests - 4
- Field Interviews - 10
- Cites - 5
- Encampments - 13
Code Enforcement
- Contacts – 136
- Verbal Warnings – 51
- Written Warnings – 1-
- Citations - 11
Notable Incidents:
- DART officers conducted a consensual encounter with a subject in the 1600 Block of Ocean Front Walk. The subject was on parole for carjacking and had a NO BAIL parole revocation warrant. The subject was arrested and transported to County Jail.
- DART officers contacted a subject in an encampment in the 1600 Block of the Beach. The subject was in possession of meth pipes and was cited for the encampment and drug paraphernalia.
- DART officers contacted an individual smoking in Lower Crescent Bay Park. The subject had three outstanding SMPD warrants. The subject was cited and released.
- DART officers contacted a subject in the 1700 Block of the Beach with a shopping cart (a misdemeanor). The subject had an outstanding SMPD warrant for public camping. The subject was cited for the shopping cart (485PC) and for the outstanding warrant.
- DART officers contacted a subject digging in city trash can on beach. The subject had a No Bail warrant, a $51,000 SMPD warrant, and a $100,000 LAPD warrant for grand theft. The subject was arrested.
- DART officers responded to a radio call of lewd conduct in the 1600 Block of Ocean Front Walk. The subject was a sex registrant who was out of compliance. The subject was arrested.
Homeless Liaison Program (HLP) Team
HLP Team Stats
- Calls for Service – 116
- 311 Requests Handled – 23
- Self-Initiated Activity – 96
- Field Interviews – 32
- Written Warnings – 5
- Citations – 7
- Referrals to Services – 90
- Encampments Addressed – 6
- 5150 Holds - 1
DMH/HLP Clinician Stats
- 8 - Referral to services thru DMH
- 2 - 5150 evaluations (1 hold)
Meetings and Collaborations
On 11/21/24, HLP Officers and Mariposa Landscaping conducted another successful monthly cleanup operation at various locations throughout the city.
The HLP Team, in collaboration with the City Attorney’s office, provided roll call training throughout the week for all field personnel. The recent SCOTUS ruling, which overturned 9th Circuit decisions related to enforcing encampment ordinances, was reviewed along with changes made to the city’s encampment ordinance. There was also information provided on what it means for field personnel moving forward.
Special Details
Members of the HLP Team and patrol officers conducted overtime operations in hotspots along Ocean Front Walk, 3rd St Promenade, the Beach, business corridors, and city parks.
The operations resulted in: periodic checks of 3rd St Promenade, Ocean Front Walk, all main parks city-wide and parking structures (1,2,4,5,6,7,8 and Ken Edwards Center), and 630 Wilshire Blvd; multiple written warnings (public camping, posted doorway and sit/lay on promenade); one citation (Park Closure); one arrest (LAPD warrant and Park Closure); 2 field interviews and 12 consensual encounters.
Community Affairs Unit (CAU)
Community Academy week #7 – Drone as First Responder (DFR) / Crisis Negotiation Team (CNT)
Beat 1 – NRO Hollowell CPC Barreto
- NRO Hollowell along with CAU staff attended the DTSM annual tree lighting ceremony. This community event provided an opportunity to engage with residents and visitors, including families and children, fostering positive relationships and promoting public safety. In addition to the event, NRO Hollowell conducted a foot beat on the Promenade and engaged in a conversation with business owners and management of several stores. The discussions consisted of safety concerns, and just a general check-in and wellbeing.
- NRO Hollowell, PIC Morrison, and Sgt Verbeck met with the Chief for a media shoot highlighting the department’s Strategic Plan. During the session, audio and visual recordings were captured to highlight key messaging for the department's initiatives.
Beat 2 – NRO Navarro with CPC Barreto
- NROs Navarro & Galvan attended the Mid City Neighbors monthly meeting. Crime statistics were provided.
- NRO Navarro attended the Pico Improvement Organization meeting. The organization received a grant recently and wanted to discuss improvements they are making and to organize updated security assessments. The service information was given and referred to CPC Barreto.
- NRO Navarro spoke with a resident regarding establishing a Neighborhood Watch Meeting for several blocks of Ocean Park Boulevard to address recent homelessness complaints.
Beat 3 – NRO Galvan with CPC Barreto
- NRO Galvan and NRO Navarro presented Workplace Safety and Verbal De-escalation to the staff at a business on Pico Boulevard. This was their third presentation with staff with another presentation is scheduled for December. Approximately thirty staff members were in attendance.
- NRO Galvan followed up on the vacant property in the 1400 block of 19th Street where a transient was seen sleeping on the roof. The owners of the property were contacted, and a voicemail was left to contact NRO Galvan regarding properly securing the property.
Beat 4 – NRO Wang with CPC Barreto
- St. Paul’s Lutheran Church reached out to NRO Wang regarding trespassing laws. NRO Wang explained the elements of the offense and confirmed that the location was covered by a Trespass Authorization Letter. The church has a chronic trespasser on the property, and NRO Wang recommended enforcement action to address the issue.
- NRO Wang has been coordinating with the Mounted Unit to involve them in the Montana Holiday Walk on December 7th. As of November 22nd, the Mounted Unit has confirmed their attendance. NRO Wang has notified the Montana Avenue Merchants Association Board.
- A resident on 11th Street contacted NRO Wang about a noise/smoking complaint concerning a neighbor. The party making the noise has been smoking on his balcony and coughing aggressively in the early morning. NRO Wang identified the source of the noise and contacted the resident. The resident was understanding, receptive and apologetic about the situation.
- A resident contacted NRO Wang to compliment a patrol officer but was having problems submitting the commendation online. NRO Wang processed the commendation and notified the police officer’s supervisor.
- NRO Wang identified a homelessness issue in the alley adjacent to the 900 block of California Avenue and referred it to the HLP Team for follow-up.
- While off duty, NRO Wang received an urgent email regarding a theft suspect at a Boutique. NRO Wang contacted the store owner, who confirmed that there was no theft. NRO Wang advised the owner to call the non-emergency line if further assistance was needed.
- NRO Wang is working on a project to address scams targeting the elderly. As part of this initiative, NRO Wang is creating an informational pamphlet to educate the public and provide resources.
- NRO Wang conducted a foot patrol in the 1300 and 1400 blocks of Montana Avenue.
Authored By
Erika Aklufi