General Election 2018

Scott Bellomo

Election 2018 Council Candidate Scott Bellomo with white background
Election Date
Nov 6, 2018
Candidate Type
City Council
Candidate Statement in English

Homelessness, Crime, Traffic, Development

I am a 30-year resident and a parent. I love Santa Monica! It makes me so sad to see firsthand the accelerated deterioration of our city at the hands of City Hall. We deserve better. We need to elect a City Council that advocates for the residents. 

I have seen the homeless population in Santa Monica increase by 26% in 2017, while all of LA County was up 23% and Manhattan Beach was only up 4%. 

I will demand that surrounding communities shoulder their fair share of the burden. We are a giving city, but we are being taken advantage of by neighboring cities. I will empower our police department to enforce vagrancy laws and petty crimes that effect quality of life for all of us. 

I have experienced the continued worsening of traffic, particularly since the city approved electric scooters that make driving and walking in Santa Monica more dangerous than ever. 

There are many issues we face as a community. I don’t have all the answers. However, I promise that if elected, every decision I make will have one criterion: Is this good for the quality of life for the residents of Santa Monica?

Candidate Video

Declaración del candidato en Español

Falta de viviendas, delincuencia, tráfico, desarrollo 

Soy padre y residente desde hace 30 años. ¡Amo Santa Mónica! Me entristece ser testigo del veloz deterioro de nuestra ciudad por culpa de la Municipalidad. Merecemos algo mejor. Necesitamos elegir un Concejo Municipal que defienda a los residentes. 

He visto cómo la población sin vivienda de Santa Mónica ha crecido en un 26 % en 2017, mientras que este porcentaje en el Condado de Los Ángeles fue del 23 % y, en Manhattan Beach, solo del 4 %. Exigiré que las comunidades circundantes se hagan cargo de la parte que les toca. Somos una ciudad generosa, pero las ciudades vecinas se están aprovechando de nosotros. 

Voy a empoderar a nuestro departamento de policía a que implemente leyes de vagabundeo y delitos menores que nos brinden calidad de vida a todos. 

He experimentado el deterioro continuo del tráfico, especialmente, desde que la ciudad aprobó ciclomotores eléctricos que hacen conducir y caminar en Santa Mónica más peligroso que nunca. 

Como comunidad, nos enfrentamos a muchos problemas. No tengo todas las respuestas. Pero prometo que, si soy electo, todas las decisiones que tome responderán a la siguiente pregunta: ¿Esto es bueno para la calidad de vida de los residentes de Santa Mónica?

Contact Us:

814 2nd St
Apt. D

Election Events

Jul 15, 2024
Nomination Period (First Day to pick up nomination papers from Candidate Workshop at 10 AM and from City Clerk's Office by appointment)
Aug 9, 2024
Nomination Filing Period (Last Day to file Nomination Papers at City Clerk's Office)
Aug 14, 2024
Extended Nomination Period (Last day to file papers at Clerk's Office, if an incumbent does not file)
Aug 15, 2024
Candidate Statements: Last day to withdraw, if filing period not extended
Aug 15, 2024
Secretary of State: Public drawing to determine order of names on ballot