9/11 Remembrance Ceremony
In recognition of those who perished September 11, the Santa Monica Fire Department annually conducts a brief and solemn ceremony consistent with the International Association of Fire Chief recommended protocols. Fire stations 1, 2, and 3 will participate. The public, especially neighbors of Santa Monica’s fire stations, are encouraged to attend at any of the fire stations listed below, promptly at 6:45 a.m. The ceremony is approximately 20 minutes. An artifact from the Ground Zero site resides in Fire Station 1 (1337 7th Street, Santa Monica CA 90401) just outside the Santa Monica Fire Department’s community room and is open for viewing by the public during normal business hours.
WHEN: Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Station 1 1337 7th Street
Station 2 222 Hollister Avenue
Station 3 1302 19th Street