Jim Colucci and Friends present Golden Girls Forever at Santa Monica Public Library
December 2, 2016 9:43 AM

Santa Monica Public Library, 601 Santa Monica Blvd, Santa Monica CA 90401
(310) 458-8600
Date: December 2, 2016
Contact: Robert Graves, Public Services Librarian
Phone: (310) 458-8635
E-mail: robert.graves@smgov.net
Jim Colucci and Friends present Golden Girls Forever at Santa Monica Public Library
Santa Monica, California – Santa Monica Public Library is thrilled to welcome back author and TV critic Jim Colucci for a celebration of his latest book, Golden Girls Forever, on Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Auditorium, 601 Santa Monica Blvd.
Ten years ago, Jim Colucci visited the Main Library to discuss his then-new book on legendary TV sitcom The Golden Girls with a panel of writers from the show, and the library’s auditorium was packed. The program was such a smash success that when we found out Jim was releasing a new, even more exhaustive and entertaining book on the show, Golden Girls Forever, we invited him back. Once again, Jim will be joined by a panel of Hollywood professionals – writers, directors, producers and actors – who worked on the show and will discuss The Golden Girls’ enduring popularity. A book sale and signing follows the program.
This program is free and open to all ages. Seating is limited and on a first arrival basis. The Santa Monica Public Library is wheelchair accessible. For special disabled services, call Library Administration at (310) 458-8606 at least one week prior to event. The Main Library is served by Big Blue Bus routes 1, 7, R7, R10 and 18. Ride your bike. Bicycle parking racks are available at the library.
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Media Contact
Robert Graves
Librarian III Branch Manager