Statement on the Resolution to the Litigation Concerning Exclusion of Councilmember de la Torre from Decisions and Discussions Concerning the California Voting Rights Act (CVRA) case, Pico Neighborhood Association, et al. v. City of Santa Monica

July 21, 2022 3:22 PM

Santa Monica City Councilmember Oscar de la Torre and the City of Santa Monica are pleased to announce they have reached a mutually agreed upon resolution to the litigation concerning the City Council’s previous decisions to exclude Councilmember de la Torre from decisions and discussions concerning the California Voting Rights Act (CVRA) case, Pico Neighborhood Association, et al. v. City of Santa Monica, Los Angeles Superior Court Number BC616804, which is now pending in the California Supreme Court. The agreement terms include the Council withdrawing its previous decision to exclude Councilmember de la Torre from participating in decisions and discussions concerning the CVRA case, prohibits the City from excluding Councilmember de la Torre in the future, and instead places the responsibility of each Councilmember to decide if that Councilmember has a conflict squarely with that Councilmember. The agreement also expressly limits each Councilmember’s ability to have any discussions about confidential information from closed sessions without the City Attorney present. The agreement is not an admission or concession concerning the propriety of what has occurred by any of the parties, but is a reflection for all parties’ desire to put this matter to rest and prioritize use of public resources for things that directly benefit the community. The parties will not be providing further statements on the agreement. For any further information, please contact Will Trivino-Perez, attorney for Councilmember de la Torre, or Doug Sloan, City Attorney.

Media Contact

Miranda Iglesias
Public Information Coordinator


City Council