For a Limited Time: Human Books at Santa Monica Public Library
February 1, 2023 6:45 PM
Human Books share their perspective on life at The Human Library on Saturday, February 18, 2023, from 9 a.m. to 12 noon at the Pico Branch Library, 2201 Pico Blvd. Among others, the group of Human Books will include Bipolar, Black, Recovered Addict, and Gay.
This unique event challenges stereotypes and prejudices and is an opportunity to bring together people who have special interests, beliefs, or experiences to share their personal story with people from different backgrounds. Books and Readers can speak personally and privately in a structured, protected, free space within a limited time but without any further commitment.
Checkouts are for 30 minutes. A Santa Monica Public Library card is not required. The Reader must return the Human Book in the same mental and physical condition as borrowed. It is forbidden to cause damage to the Book, get food or drink spilled over the Book, or hurt the Book’s dignity in any way. The Reader is responsible for preserving the condition of the Book. Loans are personal and cannot be handed over to other Readers. Books are a reference for information on a given topic. Feel free to ask about the things that you want to know. Loans can be extended with approval from the Book and a Librarian. Once a Book is returned, Readers can borrow another.
Learn more about The Human Library at humanlibrary.org.
For a full list of free Library programs, resources, locations, and hours, please visit our website at smpl.org. We look forward to seeing you at the Santa Monica Public Library.
Questions? Call us at (310) 458-8600 or email library@santamonica.gov. Friendly Library staff are available during Library open hours. We look forward to connecting with you.
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Media Contact
Rachel Foyt
Senior Administrative Analyst