DA101B: Excel Basics

This course is part of the City of Santa Monica's Data Academy, a program of the Santa Monica Institute.

Excel is a powerful data analysis and visualization tool available on all City staff workstations and laptops. This session will explore the core concepts and functionality of Excel as it relates to tracking and analyzing data.

This course is best suited for those new to using Excel for data analysis and those wanting a quick refresher on the basics. If you're comfortable in Excel but want to learn more about the data analysis process, consider our DA102: Intro to Data Analysis course.

A computer with Excel 2016 is required for this course. You may bring your own, and we’ll have plenty available if you don’t bring one. 

Learning Objectives

  • Understand how Excel facilitates data organization
  • Learn the vocabulary of common Excel operations
  • Apply basic formulas and functions to data in Excel

Course Materials

In-class presentation

Working with CCS Program Fees

CCS Program Fees (.xlsx)

Upcoming Sessions

No currently scheduled sessions of DA101B.

ISD offers ongoing, in-person Excel trainings; check the SMI app for the latest schedule listings.