General Election 2020

Gleam Davis

Election 2020 Council Candidate Gleam Davis with train station in background
Election Date
Nov 3, 2020
Candidate Type
City Council 4-year
Santa Monica Councilmember
Candidate Statement in English

As your Councilmember, I have worked to preserve and create affordable housing, and to provide a safe and stable community for all residents.

If re-elected, I will focus on:

- Promoting a just Santa Monica that offers equitable opportunity for all residents;
- Addressing the public health and economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic;
- Reimagining public safety organizations to make them more just and more effective;
- Restoring our local economy so that it provides good jobs and good wages;
- Fighting for a safer and sustainable transportation system that includes innovative solutions to traffic and parking and that is pedestrian and bike friendly;
- Expanding educational opportunities for everyone;
- Increasing public open space and recreational facilities including the conversion of Santa Monica Airport to a great park;
- Working for the wellbeing of seniors and youth;
- Reducing the number of people experiencing homelessness; and
- Helping all residents reach their full potential.

I am endorsed by:
- U.S. Representative Ted Lieu
- Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila J. Kuehl
- State Senator Ben Allen
- Assemblymember Richard Bloom
- Former Santa Monica Mayors Nat Trives, Michael Feinstein, and Judy Abdo

I am pleased to have such a broad base of support and would be honored to have your vote on November 3.

Declaración del candidato en Español

Como su concejala, he trabajado para preservar y crear viviendas asequibles y para proporcionar una comunidad segura y estable para todos los residentes.

Si salgo reelegida, me enfocaré en:

- Promover una Santa Monica justa que ofrezca oportunidades equitativas para todos los residentes;
- Abordar la salud pública y los efectos económicos de la pandemia de COVID-19;
- Reimaginar las organizaciones de seguridad pública para que sean más justas y eficaces;
- Restaurar nuestra economía local para que proporcione buenos empleos y salarios;
- Luchar por un sistema de transporte más seguro y sostenible que incluya soluciones innovadoras para el tráfico y el estacionamiento y que sea amigables con los peatones y las bicicletas;
- Ampliar las oportunidades educativas para todos;
- Aumentar el espacio público abierto y las instalaciones recreativas, incluyendo la conversión del Aeropuerto de Santa Monica en un gran parque;
- Trabajar por el bienestar de los adultos mayores y los jóvenes;
- Reducir el número de personas sin hogar; y
- Ayudar a todos los residentes a alcanzar su pleno potencial.

Me respaldan:

- El Representante de los EE. UU. Ted Lieu
- La Supervisora del Condado de Los Angeles Sheila J. Kuehl
- El Senador Estatal Ben Allen
- El Miembro de la Asamblea Richard Bloom
- Los Ex Alcaldes de Santa Monica Nat Trives, Michael Feinstein y Judy Abdo

Me complace tener una base tan amplia de apoyo y sería un honor tener su voto el 3 de noviembre.

Contact Us:

1158 26th Street
Santa Monica, CA 90403

Election Events

Aug 9, 2024
Nomination Filing Period (Last Day to file Nomination Papers at City Clerk's Office)
Aug 14, 2024
Extended Nomination Period (Last day to file papers at Clerk's Office, if an incumbent does not file)
Aug 15, 2024
Candidate Statements: Last day to withdraw, if filing period not extended
Aug 15, 2024
Secretary of State: Public drawing to determine order of names on ballot


Taxpayer Protection/Oaks Initiative Log (Excel)

Top 5 FAQs on November 2020 Election

Regulations Relating to Election Campaigns