Pier Improvements

Pier Improvements are in the Works

We're continuing to invest in Santa Monica's public spaces!

Wood boards and support beams on the pier deck parking lot will be replaced by Fall 2022.

  • Improves safety on the pier deck
  • Increased loading capacity of the pier deck to allow for large emergency vehicles
  • Communal benefit for future events and activities held at the pier
  • Increases longevity of our beautiful pier to be enjoyed by future generations

The City of Santa Monica is replacing the existing decking and substructure of the pier in the areas shown below. Following these improvements, the deck in this area will safely allow for weights similar to what is allowed on a typical roadway bridge. These improvements will increase the load carrying capacity to support large emergency vehicles and be a benefit for future events and activities held at the pier. 

The City has hired West Valley Investment Group, Inc to complete this work. The work includes the demolition and reconstruction of pier decking and the supporting substructure starting with Phase 1 then continuing to Phase 2 through Phase 6. Phase 1 is to be completed first because the Pier parking lot is scheduled to be closed to vehicle parking from now through the end of August. 

Construction Period:

Phase 1 - Pier Deck Replacement : Completed October 2021

Phase 2 - Pier Deck Replacement: October thru December 2021
The construction for Phase 2 is scheduled to start on Thursday, October 14, 2021 and continue weekdays for approximately 2 - 3 months between the hours of 6:00 AM and 2:00 PM.  Please note that the start and completion dates of construction may be revised due to unforeseen conditions and weather. 

Phase 3 - tbd

Phase 4 - tbd

Phase 5 - tbd

Phase 6 - tbd

Restricted Access

During construction of this project, the actual construction area will be fenced off and access to all pier businesses will remain open.  

Contact Us

For project inquiries contact:

Saad Malim, Construction Manager 310-458-2201 x5048 Saad.Malim@santamonica.gov The