How to Film in Santa Monica

The City of Santa Monica contracts with FilmL.A. for permit coordination services for the City. FilmL.A. accepts applications for permits to film within the public right-of-way, including City parks and facilities.

If any of the conditions below apply, you must provide the additional required documentation prior to pulling the permit.


Continue the Process:
  1. Request Film Permit

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    Submit all film permit applications directly to FilmL.A. through their Online Permit System at at least 5 business days before the first day of filming. For more information, please contact FilmL.A.’s Production Planning Department at (213) 977-8600.

  2. Film Request Gets Reviewed and Issued

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    The film permit request gets reviewed via the FILM LA portal by various City Departments/Divisions (Public Works, Fire, Parking, etc.) 

    Once approved, the film permit will be issued via the FilmL.A. portal.

  3. Request Temporary No Parking Signs

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     Contact at least 5 business days before the first day of filming to secure temporary no parking in the public right of way.

     Because all film permit situations are unique, we may request that you fulfill other requirements as a condition of permit release. These requirements could include, but are not limited to:

    1. Performing a filming survey
    2. Meeting with concerned community members
    3. Applying for additional permits (Road closure permit)

Contact Us: