How to Notify the Fire Department about Filming
The City of Santa Monica is an extremely popular place for filming. Through the Public Works Department, the City has an approved agreement with FilmLA as the film permit coordinator for the City. They accept applications for permits to film on public right-of-way, public property, and at City facilities.
Film permit applications should be submitted to FilmLA through their Online Permit System at FilmLA at least 5 business days before the first day of filming. For more information, please contact FilmLA’s Production Planning Department at 213-977-8600.
Notifying The Santa Monica Fire Department
Depending on the nature of the project, FilmLA will require you to contact Santa Monica Fire directly. If this is the case, please submit an email with the information requested.
*Please Note, if cast and crew total is greater than 49 people OR the generator is greater than 6.500k watts a Fire Safety Officer is required. Please follow the link How To Request a Fire Safety Officer for instructions.
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Continue the Process:
If you have been notified by FilmLA to contact Santa Monica Fire directly
+ -Please submit an email with the information requested below.
Company Detail
Company NameContact
First and Last Name
Mailing information
Address: City, State Zip
Telephone Number
Filming Start Date
Filming End Date
Filming Start Time
Filming End TimeDescription
Total number of Cast & Crew
Generator Detail, if not applicable write N/A
Number of Watts*Please Note, if cast and crew total is greater than 49 people OR the generator is greater than 6.500k watts a Fire Safety Officer is required. Please follow the link How To Request a Fire Safety Officer for instructions.
Email to
+ -
If you have been notified by FilmLA to contact Santa Monica Fire directly
+ -Please call (310) 458-8915 and our staff will be happy to assist, and answer any questions. You will be asked to submit an email with the information below.
Company Detail
Company NameContact
First and Last Name
Mailing information
Address: City, State Zip
Telephone Number
Filming Start Date
Filming End Date
Filming Start Time
Filming End TimeDescription
Total number of Cast & Crew
Generator Detail, if not applicable write N/A
Number of Watts*Please Note, if cast and crew total is greater than 49 people OR the generator is greater than 6.500k watts a Fire Safety Officer is required. Please follow the link How To Request a Fire Safety Officer for instructions.
Email to
+ -