How to Recycle Construction and Demolition (C&D) Material
The City's Construction and Demolition Ordinance outlines the parameters of the Waste Management Program, implemented to maximize recycling efforts related to construction and demolition activities within the City. To familiarize yourself with the Ordinance, click here.
On September 13, 2022, the Waste Management Plan process became paperless and was moved online. The Santa Monica Waste Tracker system, provided by Green Halo, replaced the traditional paper Waste Management Plan form. Waste Management Plan creation and weight ticket upload will be done directly in the system. For detailed instructions on how to properly fill out a WMP click here.
Construction and Demolition (C&D) materials must be sent to an approved recycling facility. All C&D projects bound by the requirements of a Waste Management Plan (WMP) must use the approved haulers and/or recycling facilities chosen in the WMP.
Construction material such as concrete, bricks, drywall, lumber, etc., must be removed by the contractor or you may rent temporary construction containers by authorized private haulers. For a current list of approved private haulers please click here.
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Continue the Process:
Submit an Electronic Waste Management Plan for Approval through the Santa Monica Waste Tracking Portal
+ -During the permit application process, you will need to submit a Waste Management Plan if it is determined that the valuation of your construction project is at least $50,000 or if the total square footage of your project is equal to or greater than 1,000 sq. ft. In addition, ALL demolition projects require a Waste Management Plan, regardless of their valuation or square footage.
To enter the Santa Monica Waste Tracking portal, click here.
Pay the Performance Security Deposit
+ -To pay your Performance Security Deposit visit Santa Monica Citizen Access.
Click the Public Works tab.
Under Record Type select Construction Demolition ,enter your record number (XXCD-XXXX where the Xs are a number), and click Search.
Click the Payments tab, then Fees.
Click the Pay Fees link.
Document Your Recycling Efforts
+ -During construction or demolition activities, take the debris to one of the approved recycling facilities, using one of the approved haulers.
To see a list of the City's approved recycling facilities and approved private haulers refer to the documents uploaded to ProjectDox under the Dept Review Attachments folder or email cdwaste@santamonica.gov.
Collect weight tickets from the facility which collected or received each material showing the actual weight or volume of that material, the material type, and the project address;
Collect weight slips/count of material salvaged or reused in current project;
Log the actual volume or weight of each material diverted and landfilled for the project in the Waste Tracking portal;
Log any additional information the applicant believes is relevant to determining its efforts to comply in good faith with the Ordinance including before and after pictures of savaged or reused materials.
Applicants shall ensure that all C&D material diverted or landfilled are measured and recorded using the most accurate method of measurement available. To the extent practical, all C&D material shall be weighed on scales. Such scales shall be in compliance with all State and County regulatory requirements for accuracy and maintenance. For C&D material for which weighing is not practical due to small size or other considerations, a volumetric measurement shall be used. For conversion of volumetric measurements by weight, the applicant shall use the standardized conversion rates approved by the City for this purpose.
Complete Your Final Compliance Report Within 30 Days of Project Completion
+ -If you filled out the paper WMP form, you will submit your Final Compliance Report in the same manner by contacting cdwaste@santamonica.gov. This must be done within 30 days of receiving final project approval sign-off by a City employee.
If your WMP was submitted electronically through the Waste Tracking portal please upload all required supporting documentation in the Santa Monica Waste Tracking portal within 30 days of the final inspection sign-off by a City employee and submit for final via the Waste Tracking portal.
The Waste Management Plan will be reviewed and a staff member will contact you with any necessary clarification of your submission.
Complete the Refund Form
+ -Once your submission has been approved, you will be sent a refund form to complete that will note the final refund amount, dependent on the level of diversion attained.
Fill in the requested information and return the refund form to cdwaste@santamonica.gov for final processing.
If the Performance Security Deposit was paid by credit card, the refund will be applied to the credit card it was paid with. If paid with a check, or if the credit card transaction falls outside the refund time frame, a check will be processed and mailed out.
We want to thank you for doing your part by recycling your construction materials.