Council Sets Framework Priorities to Guide Upcoming Budget Process

January 26, 2019 2:45 PM

Approximately 50 community members came out to the fourth annual City Council retreat.

SANTA MONICA, Calif. – At the fourth annual City Council retreat, all seven councilmembers participated in workshop activities and listened to staff presentations to identify and vote on the top six priorities for the Fiscal Years 2019-2021 biennial budget. 

“By prioritizing these areas of work, we can focus our efforts and resources on what matters most to our community,” said City of Santa Monica Mayor, Gleam Davis. “Our new Framework creates a clear and tangible process that uses hard data and measurable outcomes so our sustainable city of wellbeing continues to thrive.”

6 City Framework Priorities:

To view City Council’s full discussion and decision on the six framework priorities, watch it onYouTube here or on the City’s website.  

The Council also identified six values to guide, connect, and inform the work of the Framework going forward:

Over the last six weeks, the City of Santa Monica deployed an engagement strategy to listen, learn and get a pulse of community priorities. 2,816 community members (residents, those who work in Santa Monica, and business and property owners) shared their top five priorities by participating in a survey and 557 staff members participated in a staff survey.

Next Steps

Staff developed a process to collect and review feedback received through community and staff engagement. In April, staff will present Framework modifications to Council, in line with values and priorities set at the City Council retreat. A final draft of the Framework will be presented to Council in early June, and modifications will go into effect as part of the budget which begins on July 1, 2019.  

What is the Framework?

The Framework is the City’s strategic vision, designed to connect purpose and function and organize work efforts around the achievement of seven key outcome areas of Community, Economic Opportunity, Health, Learning, Place and Planet, Safety, and Governance. Each outcome is further organized into sub-outcomes which provide further definitions and explanations about the outcomes the City hopes to achieve. The budget also includes metrics for each activity conducted by each department, which are process metrics designed to help the City achieve the outcomes included in the Framework.

For more information on the Framework, visit

Visit Council Retreat Staff Report for more information about items discussed at the retreat.


Media Contact

Miranda Iglesias
Public Information Coordinator


City Council