Some Board and Commissions to Resume Limited Meetings and Limits on Third-Party Food Delivery Service Charges

May 19, 2020 6:01 PM

SANTA MONICA, Calif. – Today, Interim City Manager and Director of Emergency Services Lane Dilg issued asixteenth supplement to Santa Monica’s declaration of a local emergency, authorizing specified boards, commissions, and other appointed bodies to resume limited meetings via teleconference. The supplement also imposes a 15% cap on delivery fees and a 5% cap on other fees charged to restaurants by third-party food delivery companies.  

The sixteenth supplement permits the following boards and commissions to meet via teleconference during the remainder of the local emergency, but only as necessary to perform specified, primarily adjudicative and quasi-adjudicative duties set forth in the City Charter and Municipal Code: 

Meetings of the following boards, commissions, task forces, and appointed bodies remain suspended. 

This order does not impact the Rent Control Board.  

The sixteenth supplement also makes it unlawful for a third-party food delivery service to charge a restaurant (a) a delivery fee that totals more than 15% of the purchase price of each online order or (b) any fee or fees other than a delivery fee for the use of its service greater than 5% of the purchase price of each online order.  This portion of the sixteenth supplement, which follows similar restrictions imposed by cities like New York, San Francisco, and Seattle, does not take effect until May 26. 

For the latest information, please call the City’s Coronavirus Hotline at (310) 458-8400. 

Sixteenth Supplemental Order > 


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Constance Farrell
Communications & Public Information Manager


City Manager's Office

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