How to Schedule a New Construction Fire Inspection
Fire Prevention inspects the life safety components of new building construction, building remodels, and fire protection systems to ensure compliance with the Santa Monica Fire Code.
To schedule an inspection you must have a valid Fire or Building and Safety permit. The inspection process for various permits can be found below:
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New Construction Fire Inspection Process requests are made by phone.
Review FAQ's
+ -Before getting started take a moment to familiarize yourself with our frequently asked questions.
To schedule a New Construction Fire Inspection you must have a valid Fire or Building and Safety permit.
+ -Fire Protection System
- ALR - Alarm Systems
- EXT - Clean Agent (Halon Alternative)
- EXT - Wet Chemical (Hood) Systems
- SPK - Residential Fire Sprinkler-13D
- SPK - Sprinkler and Standpipe - 13/13R
Fire Miscellaneous- HAZ - Asbestos Removal
- HAZ - Aboveground Tank / Underground
- HAZ - Medical Gas System
Fire Final for Building Permit -
Requesting an Inspection
+ -Fire Prevention has an established protocol for scheduling an inspection. You must telephone the central voicemail and leave you request; please call the Inspection Line at (310) 458-8669 and have your permit number ready. Phone calls are returned in the order received. Please do not call an inspector to request an inspection, you will be directed to the Inspection Line.
*The contractor that is permitted to perform the work must schedule the inspection. This means the property owner, business owner and General Contractor cannot request an inspection for an alarm, extinguishing system, hazmat or sprinkler permit.
Typically, inspections are scheduled Tuesday- Thursday for 8:30 a.m. -12:00 p.m. or 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. If you require an inspection outside of this schedule, an Off-Hours Inspection must be requested (see FAQ's).
At the time of inspection, be sure the following are available on-site
+ -- A copy of the permit.
- Approved plans if plan review was required.
- The Building Card issued at the time of permit issuance (this is applicable to Building Permits only).
- Any equipment needed to do the inspection, such as a ladder.
*If the job site is not ready for inspection or fails, each subsequent inspection is conducted at a fee.
+ -All applicable fees must be paid before an inspection. Santa Monica Fire accepts checks in-person, or by regular mail. Payments by check should be remitted to the City of Santa Monica - Fire Department mailing address below. Upon receiving your invoice and record number payment by credit card can be completed on-line here.
Fire Prevention Attn: Inspections
Santa Monica Fire
333 W. Olympic Dr., 2nd Floor
Santa Monica, CA 90401