Transportation Planning Development Requirements

The City's mobility development standards are used to evaluate if proposed projects comply with existing regulations and support the General Plan's goals of an integrated transportation and land use program. Many of the regulations guiding the Mobility Division's review can be found in the Santa Monica Municipal Code Chapter 9.28 PARKING, LOADING, and CIRCULATION & Chapter 9.53 TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT.

Parking Requirement for Development - Handouts

Hazardous Visual Obstructions

Parking Standards for parking lots, structures and subterranean garages

Standards for driveway ramps from public rights-of-way

Streets where backing out is prohibited

Standard parking layout for a two-car garage where backing out onto the street is permitted

Alternate parking layout for two-car garages where backing out onto the street is prohibited

Driveway Standards for Hollywood Drive

Coastal Zone Map - Projects located in the Coastal Zone should contact the California Coastal Commission for additional requirements

Bicycle Parking Requirements

EV Reach Code Requirements Summary by Project Type:

Transportation Demand Management
Santa Monica’s Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Ordinance is triggered by specific thresholds based on project type such as Commercial units with 7,500 square feet (or more) of nonresidential floor area, or Mixed-Use/Residential properties with 16 or more residential units.

Due to impacts from COVID-19, the Worksite Transportation Plan requirement for employers with 29 or fewer employees has been suspended beginning October 8, 2020 until October 8, 2024. The City requires an Emission Reduction Plan (ERP) for employers with 50 or more employees.

For more TDM information, please visit this webpage.

ERP Forms

Miscellaneous Forms

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