Santa Monica Housing Office - Below Market Housing for workers





Rent an apartment for less than market rate through the City of Santa Monica’s Below Market Housing (BMH) program and enjoy all that Santa Monica has to offer. 

The BMH program connects applicants with privately-owned affordable apartments to rent within Santa Monica. Apply to the waitlist now and be emailed opportunities for available apartments for which you qualify based on your household size, income, and spot on the waitlist.

Live in Santa Monica and lose the commute! 

Santa Monica Workers receive the same priority as households that live in Santa Monica.

To qualify for this preference, the applicant must:

In order to receive this “live/work” preference, you will need to upload documentation verifying your employment in Santa Monica, such as a paystub. The documentation should include your name, your employer's name and Santa Monica address, the hours worked, and a recent date. You can upload pictures of the documents, but they need to be clearly readable. If you cannot upload the documentation, please contact for an alternative way to submit your document.

To be eligible for BMH vacancies, applicants' total household income, before taxes, must not exceed the amounts listed below (effective May 1, 2020)*:

*These incomes are the limit to apply to the waitlist; once you’ve moved into an apartment, your income can increase up to 140% of these limits and you’ll still be able to live there!

For general information about how the program works and FAQs, please see the BMH homepage. 

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