Santa Monica Housing Office - News + Notices






October 16th, 2024 – Below Market Housing (BMH) & Preserving Our Diversity (POD) Office Hours

The Housing Division will be hosting Office Hours for the BMH & POD programs, in English and Spanish, for community members in the Community Counseling Center at Virginia Avenue Park, 4:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. on October 16th.

Dates and hours can be found in the following flyers: 




June 13, 2024 - Community Meetings: Future Affordable Housing Development at 1217 Euclid Street, 1211 - 1217 Fourteenth Street, Santa Monica, CA 90404 and 1146 Sixteenth Street, Santa Monica, CA 90403



Monday, July 8, 2024 (in-person)

Time: 6:00 PM

Location: Saint Anne Church & Shrine, 2011 Colorado Avenue, Santa Monica, CA 90404


Wednesday, July 10, 2024 (online)

Time: 6:00 PM

Location: Zoom (link available upon registration)


Hollywood Community Housing Corporation (HCHC), a non-profit affordable housing organization, will hold in-person and online community meetings regarding future affordable housing developments on three City-owned properties. The City of Santa Monica selected HCHC to develop the sites, which are located 1217 Euclid Street, 1211 – 1217 Fourteenth Street, and 1146 Sixteenth Street, Santa Monica, CA.


At the meetings, the HCHC development team will present its proposal, which includes 130 affordable apartments across the three sites. These meetings are intended to offer community members the opportunity to meet the development team and give feedback on the design proposal.

An in-person meeting will take place at 6pm Monday, July 8, 2024 at Saint Anne Church & Shrine Parish Hall on 20th Street and Colorado Avenue. An online meeting will be held at 6pm on Wednesday, July 10, 2024 (link available upon registration at; click “Community Meetings”).


For more information or to register for the meetings, please visit or contact Hollywood Community Housing Corporation at

*Parking is available on site; the meeting location is wheelchair accessible.     


May 10, 2024 - Community Meetings: Proposed Development at 1217 Euclid Street, 1211 - 1217 Fourteenth Street, Santa Monica, CA 90404 and 1146 Sixteenth Street, Santa Monica, CA 90403



Wednesday, May 22, 2024 (in-person)

Time: 6:00 PM

Location: Saint Anne Church & Shrine, 2011 Colorado Avenue, Santa Monica, CA 90404


Thursday, May 23, 2024 (online)

Time: 6:00 PM

Location: Zoom (link available upon registration)


Hollywood Community Housing Corporation (HCHC), a non-profit affordable housing organization, will hold in-person and online community meetings regarding future affordable housing developments on three City-owned properties. The City of Santa Monica selected HCHC to develop the sites, which are located 1217 Euclid Street, 1211 – 1217 Fourteenth Street, and 1146 Sixteenth Street, Santa Monica, CA.

At the meetings, the HCHC development team will present its proposal, which includes 130 affordable apartments across the three sites. These meetings are intended to offer community members the opportunity to meet the development team and give feedback on the design proposal.

An in-person meeting will take place at 6pm Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at Saint Anne Church & Shrine Parish Hall on 20th Street and Colorado Avenue. An online meeting will be held on Thursday, May 23, 2024 (link available upon registration at; click “Community Meetings”). Additional community meetings (in-person and online) will be held in July.

For more information or to register for the meetings, please visit or contact Hollywood Community Housing Corporation at

*Parking is available on site; the meeting location is wheelchair accessible.    



May 15, 2024 – Below Market Housing (BMH) & Preserving Our Diversity (POD) Summer Office Hours

The Housing Division will be hosting Office Hours for the BMH & POD programs, in English and Spanish, for community members in the Community Counseling Center at Virginia Avenue Park, 4:30 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. on the following Wednesdays: May 15th, June 12th, July 17th, and August 21st.

Dates and hours can be found in the following flyers: 




Draft FY 2024-2025 Annual Plan and Administrative Plan posted for public comment 

The Santa Monica Housing Authority (SMHA) FY2024-25 proposed Annual Plan and Administrative Plan are now available for a 45-day public comment period from January 19, 2024 to March 4, 2024. Staff also invites all voucher holders and the public to the Housing Commission meeting on February 2, 2024, to provide comments and input on the SMHA Plans. The SMHA will also be attending a Public Hearing for Public comment and Housing Authority Board approval on April 9, 2024. The Annual Plan identifies aspects of the HCV program and tracks progress made towards the goals identified in SMHA’s 5-Year Plan, which was adopted in July 2020. The SMHA also has an Administrative Plan that details the regulations, policies, and procedures that govern SMHA’s operations.  The draft Annual Plan and Administrative Plan are now posted for review. Electronic copies of the Plans are available to view and linked below:

No later than March 24, 2024, Please email your written comments to or mail them to:

City of Santa Monica

Housing Office

1685 Main St., Mail Stop #19

Santa Monica, CA 90401

To request a reasonable accommodation for viewing the draft Plans, please leave a message at (310) 458-8743.  


January 10, 2024 – Recommendation of Affordable Housing Development Team for City-owned Sites
The City of Santa Monica has completed scoring of development team proposals for future development of affordable housing on City-owned land at 1217 Euclid Street, 1211-1217 Fourteenth Street and 1146 Sixteenth Street. The proposals were submitted in response to the City’s Request for Proposals (RFP), which invited teams to submit their qualifications for the future design, development and operation of affordable housing on the three City-owned public parking lots located near Wilshire Boulevard and Fourteenth Street. City staff evaluated and scored responses from nine teams. The scores and proposals are provided below.

Staff will present its recommendation of the team led by Hollywood Community Housing Corporation to the City Council in the spring of 2024. By selecting a team, the City is not committing to any specific development concept described in the team’s proposal. After the City Council considers and selects a development team, the team will conduct community outreach to allow for public input into a final proposal for Council consideration at a later date.
The RFP process implements the City-adopted and State-certified Housing Element, which identifies City-owned sites that are suitable for the development of 100% affordable housing to meet the City's share of regional housing need.


January 8, 2024 Utility Allowances 
Effective January 1, 2024, a new Utility Schedule will be applied to rent and subsidy calculations at annual reexaminations, new admissions, and unit transfers. 

Comments can be emailed to

Existing HCV participants will need to contact their Housing Specialist to see how the new 2024 schedule will specifically impact them. 

The schedule may be viewed by clicking the link below:

A partir del 1 de enero 2024, se establecerán nuevos cálculos de subsidio para los gastos de servicios públicos durante los examines anuales, las admisiones nuevas, y las mudanzas de vivienda. Los cálculos pueden ser vistos en el enlace de abajo. 

Puede enviarnos sus comentarios por correo electrónico a

Los participantes del programa de la Sección 8 pueden comunicarse con su especialista de vivienda para averiguar si los nuevos cálculos del año 20234 afectarán sus casos individuales. 

If you require reasonable accommodations due to a disability or for language assistance please contact the Santa Monica Housing Authority at (310) 458-8743.


Effective November 1, 2023 - The Santa Monica Housing Authority Increases the Payment Standard
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has approved the Santa Monica Housing Authority’s (SMHA’s) conversion to zip code-based payment standard methodology, known as Small Area Fair Market Rents (SAFMRs).   

For detailed information on the changes please see here.


September 7, 2023 - Notice of Public Hearing Before the Santa Monica City Council

On Tuesday, October 10 at 5:30 p.m., City Council will conduct a public hearing regarding the proposed adoption of resolutions which would adjust the Affordable Housing Unit Base Fee and the Affordable Housing Unit Development Cost that developers of multi-family projects may pay to the City pursuant to Section 9.64.070(b) and Section 9.64.070(C) of the City’s Affordable Housing Production Program. Please see the following memorandums regarding these fees:

Memorandum re: Proposed FY 2023-24 Annual Adjustment for the Affordable Housing Unit Development Cost

Memorandum re: Proposed FY 2023-24 Annual Automatic Adjustment for the Affordable Housing Unit Base Fee

If you want to provide public comment at the City Council’s public hearing, you can call by phone at (310) 312-8173 when the caller queue opens for the public hearing for this item. The caller queue for this agenda item will not open until just before the item is called and will then remain open until the first five public comments are heard.

Letters should be addressed to:
Mayor and City Council
City Hall
1685 Main Street
Santa Monica, CA 90401

Further information may be obtained from the City Housing and Human Services Division at the address above or by calling (310) 458-8743.


June 22, 2023 - Request for Proposals (RFP) for Affordable Housing Development Teams
The City of Santa Monica invites teams to submit their qualifications for the design, development and operation of affordable housing on City-owned land at 1217 Euclid Street, 1211-1217 Fourteenth Street and 1146 Sixteenth Street. The RFP is available on the City's OpenGov portal here: (login required for access.) Proposals are due September 15, 2023.

Release of the RFP implements the City-adopted and State-certified Housing Element, which identifies City-owned sites that are suitable for the development of 100% affordable housing to meet the City's share of regional housing need.


April 6, 2023 - Community Meeting: Proposed Development at: 1318 Fourth Street, Santa Monica CA 90401
Date: Monday April 17, 2023
Time: 6 PM - 8 PM
Location: St. Monica Church, 725 California Ave, Santa Monica CA 90403

EAH Housing, a non-profit affordable housing organization, will hold a community meeting at 6pm on Monday April 17, 2023, at St. Monica Church at the Grand Pavilion. EAH Housing has been selected by the City of Santa Monica to develop the former site of Parking Structure 3. This meeting is regarding the proposed future development of approximately 122 units of mixed use, and mixed income, affordable housing over retail at 1318 Fourth St (Fourth St and Arizona Ave). 

This meeting is intended to offer community members the opportunity to meet the development team and give feedback on the design, size, units, parking, ground floor retail space and other proposed programming.

If you have any questions regarding the meeting, please contact Charles Cohen at For project specific information please visit us at

*Parking is available on site; the meeting location is wheelchair accessible.   


Draft FY2023-2024 Annual Plan, Administrative Plan and Family Self-Sufficiency Action Plan posted for public comment.

The Santa Monica Housing Authority (SMHA) FY2023-24 proposed Annual Plan, Administrative Plan and Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Action Plan are now available for a 45-day public comment period ending March 20, 2023. The Annual Plan identifies aspects of the HCV program and tracks progress made towards the goals identified in SMHA’s 5-Year Plan, which was adopted in July 2020. The SMHA also has an Administrative Plan that details the regulations, policies, and procedures that govern SMHA’s operations. 

For FY2023-24, the only proposed change is the removal of the former Chapter 18 – Family Self-Sufficiency Program - from the Administrative Plan due to required changes in federal regulations that govern the program. The new Family Self-Sufficiency Program Action Plan (Former Chapter 18 of the Administrative Plan) has been reformatted into a stand-alone document with a template provided by HUD, revised to comply with HUD regulations, and is also available for review and comment.
The draft Annual Plan, Administrative Plan, and FSS Action Plan are now posted for review. Electronic copies of the Plans are available to view and linked below:
  • Draft FY2023-24 Annual Plan here
  • Draft FY2023-24 Administrative Plan here
  • Draft FSS Action Plan here
  • Summary of Proposed Changes here
No later than March 20, 2023, Please email your written comments to or mail them to:
City of Santa Monica
Housing Office
1685 Main St., Mail Stop #19
Santa Monica, CA 90401

To request a reasonable accommodation for viewing the draft Plans, please leave a message at (310) 458-8743.  


July 25, 2022 - 2023 Utility Allowances 
Effective January 1, 2023, a new Utility Schedule will be applied to rent and subsidy calculations at annual reexaminations, new admissions, and unit transfers. 
The schedule may be viewed by clicking the link below. 
A notice informing voucher participants in Santa Monica about the new Utility Schedule was mailed out prior to August 1, 2022, to all existing participants. The 30-day comment period regarding the new 2023 Utility Schedule will expire on August 31, 2022. Comments can be emailed to

Existing HCV participants will need to contact their Housing Specialist to see how the new 2023 schedule will specifically impact them. 

A partir del 1 de enero 2023, se establecerán nuevos cálculos de subsidio para los gastos de servicios públicos durante los examines anuales, las admisiones nuevas, y las mudanzas de vivienda. Los cálculos pueden ser vistos en el enlace de abajo. 

Un aviso fue enviado a lo participantes del programa de vale en Santa Monica sobre el nuevo horario de utilidades. Fue enviado por correo a los existientes participantes antes del 1 de agosto de 2022. El periodo de comentarios de 30 días terminará el 31 de agosto de 2022 con respecto a los nuevos cálculos de subsidio para los servicios del año 2023. Puede enviarnos sus comentarios por correo electrónico a

Los participantes del programa de la Sección 8 pueden comunicarse con su especialista de vivienda para averiguar si los nuevos cálculos del año 2023 afectarán sus casos individuales. 

If you require reasonable accommodations due to a disability or for language assistance please contact the Santa Monica Housing Authority at (310) 458-8743.


January 31, 2022 – Draft FY22-23 Annual Plan posted for public comment
The Santa Monica Housing Authority (SMHA) FY22-23 proposed Annual Plan is now available for a 45-day public comment period ending March 17, 2022. The Annual Plan identifies any discretionary policy changes made to the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) sections of the Administrative Plan, and tracks progress made towards the goals identified in SMHA's 5-Year Plan. The SMHA is not proposing any changes to the current Administrative Plan. The Administrative Plan establishes oversight policies to operate the SMHA's housing rental subsidy programs in a manner consistent with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development regulations. Members of the public may provide comment during this period regarding the Administrative Plan.

The draft Annual Plan and the current Administrative Plan are now posted for review. An electronic copy of the Annual Plan is available to view on the web here and electronic copy of the current (FY21-22) Administrative Plan is available to view on the web here.

No later than March 17, 2022, Please email your written comments to or mail them to:
City of Santa Monica
Housing Office
1685 Main St., Mail Stop #19
Santa Monica, CA 90401


November 18, 2021 - Updates to proposed FY21-22 Administrative Plan
The FY21-22 proposed Administrative Plan was available for a 45-day public comment period that ended October 31, 2021. The Administrative Plan establishes oversight policies to operate the Santa Monica Housing Authority’s (SMHA) housing rental subsidy programs in a manner consistent with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development regulations. Staff has taken into account comments regarding SMHA's proposed Administrative Plan received from members of the public, members of the Resident Advisory Board, and the Housing Commission, and the updated proposed FY21-22 Administrative Plan is now available to view on the web here. You can also view a summary of the changes here. 

The City Council/Housing Authority Board of the City of Santa Monica will hold a public hearing to receive comment and adopt proposed revisions to the Administrative Plan on November 23, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers via teleconference. You can find information regarding the City Council meeting, where the hearing will take place, here.


October 13, 2021 - 2022 Utility Allowances
Effective January 1, 2022, a new Utility Schedule will be applied to rent and subsidy calculations at annual reexaminations, new admissions, and unit transfers.

The schedule may be viewed by clicking the link below. A notice informing voucher participants in Santa Monica about the new Utility Schedule was mailed out prior to October 15, 2021, to all existing participants. The 30-day comment period regarding the new 2022 Utility Schedule will expire on November 15, 2021. Comments can be emailed to

Existing HCV participants will need to contact their Housing Specialist to see how the new 2022 schedule will specifically impact them. 

A partir del 1 de enero 2022, se establecerán nuevos cálculos de subsidio para los gastos de servicios públicos durante los examines anuales, las admisiones nuevas, y las mudanzas de vivienda.

Los cálculos pueden ser vistos en el enlace de abajo. Un aviso fue enviado a lo participantes del programa de vale en Santa Monica sobre el nuevo horario de utilidades. Fue enviado por correo a los existientes participantes antes del 15 de Octubre de 2021. El periodo de comentarios de 30 días terminará el 15 de noviembre de 2021 con respecto a los nuevos cálculos de subsidio para los servicios del año 2022. Puede enviarnos sus comentarios por correo electrónico a
Los participantes del programa de la Sección 8 pueden comunicarse con su especialista de vivienda para averiguar si los nuevos cálculos del año 2022 afectarán sus casos individuales.

If you require reasonable accommodations due to a disability or for language assistance please contact the Santa Monica Housing Authority at (310) 458-8743.


September 16, 2021 - Draft FY21-22 Administrative Plan posted for public comment + notice of public hearing

The City Council/Housing Authority Board of the City of Santa Monica will hold a public hearing to receive comment and adopt proposed revisions to the Santa Monica Housing Authority’s Administrative Plan. The Administrative Plan establishes oversight policies to operate the Santa Monica Housing Authority’s (SMHA) housing rental subsidy programs in a manner consistent with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development regulations. 

The draft Administrative Plan is now posted for review during the 45-day public comment period ending October 31, 2021. An electronic copy is available to view on the web here. You can also view a summary of the changes here.

No later than October 31, 2021, please email your written comments to or mail them to:

City of Santa Monica
Housing Office
1685 Main St., Mail Stop #19
Santa Monica, CA 90401

The Public Hearing will be November 23, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers via teleconference. You can find information regarding the City Council meeting, where the hearing will take place, here:

If you have any special disability-related needs or accommodations, please contact the Housing Authority at (310) 458-8743.


September 15, 2021 - Emergency Housing Vouchers program

The Emergency Housing Vouchers program is launching in the Los Angeles region. Vouchers will be prioritized by the LA Coordinated Entry System, initially referring participants who are homeless, recently homeless, or fleeing domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or human trafficking, as defined by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development and Los Angeles' Coordinated Entry System Policy Council. It is likely that most people eligible for this resource are already connected to the Coordinated Entry System and will be referred by case managers assigned to provide client housing support and connection. If, however, you think you are eligible for the program (please see the CES Interim Policy on Emergency Housing Voucher priority populations), please contact a Coordinated Entry System Access Center in your region. Please note that connection to the Coordinated Entry System does not guarantee your eligibility or prioritization for housing or rental subsidy support.


August 30, 2021 - Housing Authority Board information available

View information about the Housing Authority Board on its new webpage here


August 2, 2021 - Notice of Public Hearing Before the Santa Monica City Council

On Tuesday, August 24 at 5:30 p.m., City Council will conduct a public hearing regarding the proposed adoption of resolutions which would adjust the Affordable Housing Unit Base Fee and the Affordable Housing Unit Development Cost that developers of multi-family projects may pay to the City pursuant to Section 9.64.070(b) and Section 9.64.070(C) of the City’s Affordable Housing Production Program. Please see the following memorandums regarding these fees:

Memorandum re: Proposed FY 2019-20 Annual Adjustment for the Affordable Housing Unit Development Cost

Memorandum re: Proposed FY 2019-20 Annual Automatic Adjustment for the Affordable Housing Unit Base Fee

If you want to provide public comment at the City Council’s public hearing, you can call by phone at (310) 312-8173 when the caller queue opens for the public hearing for this item. The caller queue for this agenda item will not open until just before the item is called and will then remain open until the first five public comments are heard.

Letters should be addressed to:
Mayor and City Council
City Hall
1685 Main Street
Santa Monica, CA 90401

Further information may be obtained from the City Housing and Human Services Division at the address above or by calling (310) 458-8743.


June 30, 2021 - Notice of appointment to the Housing Authority Board by lottery

On May 5, 2021, participants in the Housing Choice Voucher Section 8 program were sent a letter inviting them to express their interest in serving on the Housing Authority Board (HAB). Forty-six eligible individuals expressed interest (view the interest list here) before the deadline, so the Santa Monica Housing Authority (SMHA) conducted a live-streamed lottery on June 29, 2021, to fill the two open seats on the HAB.

On the livestream, candidates' initials were sequenced in a random order. Here is the list that was generated. The candidates whose initials were generated as the top two in the random sequence are invited to sit on the HAB; if they are unable to serve, or an alternate is needed at any time during the two-year term, SMHA will go down this randomized list in order.



The City Council/Housing Authority Board of the City of Santa Monica will hold a public hearing to receive comment and adopt proposed revisions to SMHA's Administrative and Annual Plans. The Public Hearing is scheduled for April 27 at 5:30 p.m. via teleconference. You can find the agenda for the meeting here.


February 21, 2021 - Santa Monica Awarded Over $5 Million for Affordable Housing Production (Santa Monica Mirror Article)

The California Department of Housing and Community Development has announced two awards to the City of Santa Monica for future affordable housing production. Read the full article here.


February 2, 2021 - Support Available to Additional Low-Income Seniors Santa Monica Program (Santa Monica Mirror Article)

Read the media alert here


January 28, 2021 - Las Flores Affordable Housing Breaks Ground in Santa Monica  (Urbanize Article)

Plans call for 73 residential units. Read the full article here


January 5, 2021 - $23M Senior Affordable Housing Project Rises in Santa Monica (Urbanize Article)

Eight months after breaking ground in Santa Monica, construction has progressed to the second floor above ground at the site of Magnolia Villas, a new senior affordable housing development from EAH Housing. Read the full article here.


November 11, 2020 - 2021 Utility Allowances

Effective February 1, 2021, a new Utility Schedule will be applied to rent and subsidy calculations at annual reexaminations, new admissions, and unit transfers.

The schedule may be viewed by clicking the link below. A notice informing Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) participants in Santa Monica about the new Utility Schedule was mailed out prior to November 18, 2020 to all existing HCV participants in Santa Monica. The 30-day comment period regarding the new 2021 Utility Schedule will expire on December 18, 2020. Comments can be emailed to

Existing HCV participants will need to contact their Housing Specialist to see how the new 2021 schedule will specifically impact them.

View the  2021 Utility Allowances.

A partir del 1 de febrero 2021, se establecerán nuevos cálculos de subsidio para los gastos de servicios públicos durante los examines anuales, las admisiones nuevas y las mudanzas de vivienda.

Los cálculos pueden ser vistos en el enlace de abajo. A todos los participantes del programa de la Sección 8 (HCV) se le envió un aviso por correo sobre los nuevos cálculos de subsidio para los servicios públicos antes del 18 de noviembre de 2020. El periodo de comentarios de 30 días terminará el 18 de diciembre de 2020 con respecto a los nuevos cálculos de subsidio para los servicios del aÑo 2021. Puede enviarnos sus comentarios por correo electrónico a

Los participantes del programa de la Sección 8 pueden comunicarse con su especialista de vivienda para averiguar si los nuevos cálculos del aÑo 2021 afectarán sus casos individuales.

Vea los cálculos de subsidio para los servicios del aÑo 2021.

If you require reasonable accommodations due to a disability or for language assistance please contact the Santa Monica Housing Authority at (310) 458-8743.


August 17, 2020 - LA County COVID-19 Rent Relief

The County of Los Angeles Board of Supervisors recently approved $100 Million in CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Funds to provide rental assistance on behalf of tenants impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. A lottery of eligible applicants will be run at the end of the application process. A tenant must complete an online application at will be accepted from Monday, August 17 through Monday, August 31. 

La Junta de Supervisores del Condado de Los Ángeles aprobó recientemente $100 millones en Fondos de Ayuda para el Coronavirus de la Ley CARES para brindar asistencia para la renta para inquilinos afectados por la pandemia de COVID-19. Se realizará una lotería de solicitantes elegibles al final del proceso de solicitud. Un inquilino debe completar una solicitud por internet en aceptarán solicitudes desde el lunes 17 de agosto hasta el lunes 31 de agosto.


July 2, 2020 - New Emergency Rental Assistance Program

Applications open July 7 - July 17, 2020 for a three-month rental assistance program for households impacted by COVID-19. Learn more.


May 1, 2020 - Waitlists are open

The City of Santa Monica's Housing Division opened its Section 8 and Below Market Housing (BMH) waitlists on May 1, 2020. The lists will remain open for the foreseeable future. Apply to one or both of the programs here:


July 31, 2018 -  Public Records Act Requests Policy

Due to limited staff resources, we dedicate one staff person to accommodate all public information act requests for one hour each week.