Santa Monica Housing Office - Contact





To contact the Santa Monica Housing Office, please email Or, you can leave us a message at 310-458-8740.

Our mailing address is: 

City of Santa Monica
Housing Authority
1685 Main Street, MS 19
Santa Monica, California 90401

If you would like to drop off documents in person, a drop box is available in front of the south entrance to City Hall, at 323 Olympic Drive. 
Housing Authority staff are now available to meet with the public Mon. - Thurs., 9 a.m.-4 p.m., in Suite 180, adjacent to the East entrance of City Hall.


The housing side of the City of Santa Monica's Housing and Human Services Department creates new housing opportunities through inclusionary zoning – requiring that a percentage of all new development within the City be affordable – and by loaning money from the Housing Trust Fund to nonprofit developers to build and rehab affordable housing.

The Santa Monica Housing Authority (SMHA) is an entity within the Housing and Human Services Department that administers rental assistance programs for approximately 1,400 very low- and low-income households, using federal funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

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